Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Students will enter the main entrance, as usual (Ely Place).
Students must have a proper-fitting mask on before they exit the car.
Upon arrival, students will not be allowed to gather.
Students may use their locker, but are not allowed to gather.
Hand sanitizer use is encouraged as students enter classroom.
Teachers will take the students’ temperatures in homeroom. Any person with a temperature of 100.4F or greater will be sent to the Library to separate from other students while their parent is called to promptly pick up their student.
Students should arrive promptly for school by 7:40am.
Sample Hang tag
7th – 8th grade students will depart the main entrance as usual, (Ely Place).
Students will not be allowed to gather. Masks must be worn.
To maintain distance for the students, K-6th grade will have a new procedure:
Parents of K-6th grade students will receive a car hang tag. This can be placed on your dashboard or carried.
K-6th grade students will be dismissed to the Ridge Road exit.
Once a Cornerstone Staff identifies your hang tag, your student will be dismissed and brought to you.
Please remain in your car when picking up students.
Hang tags will be assigned to each student. If more than one is needed, please request it through the school and provide the name and contact number for who will have that hang tag.
Hang tag should be given to a person who is temporarily picking up your student on your behalf.
Individuals who arrive to pick up a student without a hang tag will be delayed, pending confirmation of the person and relationship to student, while the other students are dismissed.
If you have a mixed grade group, pick up all students at the youngest student area.
Students who walk home by themselves, will be allowed as usual.
Students who need to leave early should coordinate that through the office.